Getting a guy to respond to your online dating profile is not so difficult, but it is widely over thought to the point where many people think it is a lot harder than it is. So, here are some things to remember when creating your online dating profile.
First, remember to above all, be yourself. You need to be yourself, not someone else when you are dating online. If you don't think that someone would want you, you are wrong. Where you really get into trouble is when you start trying to be somebody you are not. When you try to do this,
you come off as shallow or dishonest, which are not things that will attract nice guys.
Second, the best way to get guys to respond to your online dating profile is with your picture. You need to take a cute photo of yourself that will flatter your better features. If your face is the feature that you want to promote on your online dating profile, make sure the photo flatters this feature and make it look its best.
If your body is what you want guys to see, include a whole body photo instead of just a head and shoulders shot. Remember that you are not trying to promote a different person, but rather the best version of you that is possible. It is not really necessary to get a professional photo taken, but rather, it is actually better to take one yourself.
So, here's what you should do. Get your best friend to take some pictures of you. In addition to what I said earlier, try taking pictures at funky angles, not at typical ones. These angles, sort of like the ones you see on Myspace and Facebook, can really make you look like you have a lot of character, which you do.
You need to define yourself through this picture. Once your best friend believes that a picture represents you, and you get one that you feel good about and post them to your online dating profile, you are ready to go. Remember that this picture is the first step to getting someone interested in you online and traffic to your online dating profile.
Third, when it comes time to write about you, be lively and talk about your interests on your online dating profile. Writing a dating profile that catches someone's eye sounds, at first, like an easy job. But then, you sit down at your computer, and go blank. What should you say? What shouldn't you say? What shouldn't you include? Are there any special secrets that you can learn to catch more looks online?
As funny as it sounds, many people actually over-think their dating profiles by thinking that they have to write something groundbreaking and intellectual. Actually, the complete opposite is true. You just need to write a profile that is purely you. That is what someone is looking for. If what describes you is naturally intellectual, then it will come off that way, and intellectual people will notice you. If, however, you have a flair for the "flightier", than you can attract people who are looking for you as well.
You see, writing an online dating profile should not be something you think about over and over. Here is a good method to follow. First, you need to sit down, open up a word processor, and start talking about yourself. Just describe you as accurately as you can. Once you get done with it, read it three times. Of course, correct any spelling and grammatical errors that you see, but also read it for content.
Were there any parts that sounded annoying? Were there any points that you wanted to change? Well, change them! Keep re-working it, keep reading it, and keep making changes until you feel good about it. You know when you have written a good profile when you feel good about it, and feel excited to see it go up on the Website. Review it every once in awhile, and if you need to update it, do so. But if you don't feel the need, than don't sweat it.
Talking about what music you like, what movies you enjoy, and your favorite date ideas are great ways to get responses. At the same time remember not to be overbearing or annoying in your online dating profile.
Intriguing someone and getting guys to visit your online dating profile is not rocket science.
So to recap:
- Be yourself.
- Your picture is the first thing that will attract guys.
- Your online dating profile is the second.
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