Do you find yourself worrying what others think about you? When someone tells you to reconsider your ideas, do you stop in your tracks and reconsider your decisions? Maybe it’s just a passing comment about your choice of friends, career change, or your desire to remain single for now. Just remember, no matter what you do in life, there will always be people who don’t like you or the choices you’ve made. Everyone should simply learn to take criticism and move on. But single people must make it a priority in their lives to stop caring what other people think.
While it can be difficult, or even painful when others disapprove of our behavior and exclude us, it becomes just as hard to try living up to standards set by others. These standards may be contradictory to our emotional or physical well-being. The price we end up paying for living our lives according to someone else’s rules can prove to be dangerous. It can lead to depression and a crippling sense of unworthiness.
Take Criticism and Move On -
Get a different outlook on the situation. If someone disapproves of you, try to realize that it may have more to do with their view of the world than it does with you. However, if you look at the situation and feel that they may have a point, it is important to remember that the criticism is about what you’ve done, not about who you are.
Although it is normal to care about the thoughts of those you love, understand that sometimes their condemnation may be their own feelings of jealousy or insecurity. Always take a step back and get perspective on the situation.
It may be worth asking yourself the question ‘’ Why is their opinion of me more important than my own?’’ When you answer this question honestly and find that the answer is ‘‘it is not more important’’ then you just may be surprised at how good it feels to let go of the worry.
Take a risk and loose the habit of being dependent on the approval of others. It may feel dangerous at first to start letting the opinions of others roll-off-your-back, but before you know it, you’ll be free from the fear of disappointing the world. Step into the unknown and let go of the habit of taking someone else’s opinion above your own.
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