Forget the home-alone image of sad singleton women curled up on the sofa longing for a hug. Independent women everywhere know that being single is something to celebrate. Here's why?
- We don't have to fight for remote control ownership.
- We don't have to wash their smelly socks and skiddy underwear.
- There are no pairs of shoes left in the middle of the floor to trip over at six in the morning.
- We can lie in the bath for as long as we want.
- We don't put a wash on and then find ten articles of clothing belonging to him lying in heap in the corner of the bedroom.
- We don't have to fake an orgasm.
- We don't have to shave and can turn into yetis if we want.
- We don't have to buy and write our own Valentines/birthday/Mother's day cards.
- We don't have anyone saying 'you're not going to wear that, are you?'
- We don't have to suffer their cooked meals and then spend an hour trying to get the burnt, congealed mess of the bottom of our saucepans.
- I love not being accountable to anyone - if I want to do something, I just do it!
- I control my finances and if I screw up, it's my fault, not because my man has spent money we need down the pub, bookies, etc.
- I enjoy sleeping in my double bed and having it all to myself.
- I can be moody without anyone trying to find out if something's wrong! If I don't want to talk - I just won't!
- I have FREEDOM to choose.
- I love it now my pillows are a dribble free zone.
- I love waking up and not hearing the sound of snoring.
- I love going out and not having to say where I've been or what I've been doing and what time I should be back.
- I love going shopping and not having to hide what I've bought in the wardrobe and pretend I've had it ages.
- I love being able to have control over what I spend and where I spend it.
- After being married for 23 years (now separated six months) I also find it kind of scary to go out now that all the restrictions have been lifted...its like being a teenager again. Weird. I feel like I have been let out of prison.
- You can tell him what you really think instead of keeping the peace.
- You can be rude to his family.
- You can eat what YOU want.
- You can join a gym because you want to.
- You can be rude to his boss.
- I can have my friends over to drink wine and behave outrageously WHENEVER I want (because he never liked those friends anyway!).
- I can open the curtains when I get dressed instead of fumbling about in the dark trying to keep quiet.
- I don't have to worry about what sort of food to buy because he never liked any of it anyway. Now I can eat whatever, whenever I choose.
- I'm not made to feel like an idiot for sitting on the Internet - I can surf to my hearts content.
- I can listen to Depeche Mode 24/7!
- I can spend all night on the phone without having to justify it.
- I go to bed when I please, not when he 'wants to'. I can read all night and have the radio on.
- There's no one to criticize the state of my car!
- There's plenty of space in the wardrobe.
- I don't have to appear interested in his job.
- I no longer spend hours looking excited in computer stores or car showrooms, do not need to admire mobile phones, personal organizers, latest gadgets...
- I can make a mess, and never tidy it up.
- I can drink wine out of a mug.
- I don't have to write cards on his behalf for birthdays or Christmas.
- I no longer have to excuse his behavior - OR MINE!!!
- You can do a smelly fart without being told it's 'unladylike'.
- You are entitled to an opinion!
- You don't have to satisfy yourself while he's in the bath to make up for the fact he couldn't manage to give you an orgasm in the first place.
- You don't have to like Starsky and Hutch/Dads Army/Airwolf.
- You don't have to watch the '10 minute free view' on the Playboy Channel with the sound turned down.
- You don't have to take being called a 'man hater' just because you disagree with what he says (let's face it, they're usually always wrong anyway).
- You can wear the same knickers for two or three days without caring that there might be a 'spontaneous going down' session on the cards.
- You can love Adam Ant, Boy George, Simon le Bon and David Sylvian without being lectured that only gay men look that good - THREATENED!
- You don't have to listen to him hyperventilating every time a Kylie Minogue video appears on MTV.
- You don't have to worry about your sanitary towel not flushing away properly.
- BONUS: You don't have to pad the toilet with bog roll to disguise the fact that the poo is gonna make a big splash.
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