Some people may argue that as we grow older, and wiser, ‘’experience’’ makes us less innocent. But why can’t we enjoy maturity AND have fun at the same time? Do we really have to trade one in for the other? We need to take a step back and reclaim our right to just have fun. Period. Let’s salvage our ‘’joie de vivre’’ before we loose it entirely and end up not finding the pleasure in anything in our lives.
Having fun means finding the best of ourselves, and sharing that greatness with others only if we choose to do so.
Here are a few ways to have fun, either alone, or with others:
1. Take a Hike. Seriously. Take a nice, long, meditative walk somewhere peaceful and serene. If you are the athletic type, go for a walk where there are challenging trails and pride yourself in being able to enjoy whatever challenges nature throws in your path. If you prefer a milder way of enjoying nature – go for a walk through one of your favorite public gardens or nature trails. Don’t forget to spend the time thinking about all the things that you have to be thankful for in your life. No negative ‘’mind chatter’’ is allowed to accompany you on this trip.
2. Take up a new hobby or language that you have always wanted to know. Don’t worry about whether you have the time or the energy to start something new. Or whether you think you are intelligent enough to pick up new information in your life. Just do it and enjoy the time that you do have to devote to your new venture. Get some books from the library or take a class at the local community center. Do it for yourself, and no one else. In fact, see if you can start this project without mentioning it to any one else. Decide that you are going to have fun learning something new without the consent or opinions of others. This is your very own project to be completed when you decide it is time.
3. Book an afternoon at a spa. Get a facial, or massage, or just sit in a sauna and meditate. Bring a good book with you and spend an hour or two just thinking of nothing but comfort and how much you deserve to be pampered for the day. If you can’t afford a spa then make your own at home. Shut out the rest of the world for the afternoon and make your very own spa day at home. Give yourself a facial steam with soothing herbs followed by a pedicure or manicure. Put some thin slices of fresh cucumber in a pitcher of ice water and sip on the cooling mixture throughout the day. Play relaxing music and put your feet up. You can always get back to the daily grind the following day. But for now, this is your time.
4. Two words – Board Games! Get out your favorite board game, invite a few friends over and have a game party. This completely ridiculous act can be a whole lot of fun. Make it as simple or as festive as you wish. But make it fun. Go ahead, revert to your childhood days and bring a few friends along for the ride.
Just remember that fun doesn’t have to be complicated, and being a single adult doesn’t have to mean that you can’t be a bit silly at times. Do the things that bring a smile to your face because then you know that you are on the right track.
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